How To Take Part

  • The Leftbank Soundtrack is free and easy to take part in. You can stay outside and all you need is your smartphone and your headphones
  • You will see on the map the different locations on the trail. You can start at any point you like, there is no defined route. Walk and listen in whatever order you like
  • At each location, look for the pink location sign. This will give you some information about the artist at that site and why that particular spot was chosen
  • To listen to the track use the QR code on the sign
  • Open your camera and place the QR code within the square in your camera view
  • It will take you directly to the Artist’s page
  • Press play to listen to their specially commissioned track. We would recommend using headphones to get the full experience
  • This is the only place you will hear this track in its entirety
  • We want you to help us keep this special, so please do not share the link, do not post or download the track
  • The Leftbank Soundtrack is all about discovery and place and it’s only standing in that spot that you’ll get the benefit
  • Read about the artist while you are listening and maybe take a picture of the spot you’re standing in
Share your journey

We would love your reviews, so share a picture and your thoughts on whatever platform you would like using:
